C.R.Engineering and Technology Co.,Ltd.


The Company provides Consult, Design, Supply,

Install and Maintenance of Electrical,

Automation Control system, Solar power plant

and Pneumatic systems for various enterprises.

C.R.Engineering and Technology Co.,Ltd.


The Company provides Consult, Design, Supply,

Install and Maintenance of Electrical,

Automation Control system, Solar power plant

and Pneumatic systems for various enterprises.



Providing customers with consultation, design and installation of electrical, automation system and Solar power plant emphasizing in quality, engineering standard and safety to meet the customer needs.

② Developing the appropriate and modern management system to increase efficiency, effectiveness and sustainable growth of the organization

Apply modern technology to improve operations to achieve maximum efficiency and effectiveness

④ Create innovations to increase the value of the work

Increase the potential of human resource to have expertise according to their duties properly.

 Providing knowledge on occupational health and safety for personnel and stakeholders

 Promote and give priority to occupational health and safety in work

 Raising the consciousness of personnel to comply with corporate believe and core values in order to be a corporate culture.

 Create a relationship and meet the expectations of customers and other interested parties properly.

 Conduct business under corporate governance principles and social responsibility.
