C.R.Engineering and Technology Co.,Ltd.


The Company provides Consult, Design, Supply,

Install and Maintenance of Electrical,

Automation Control system, Solar power plant

and Pneumatic systems for various enterprises.

C.R.Engineering and Technology Co.,Ltd.


The Company provides Consult, Design, Supply,

Install and Maintenance of Electrical,

Automation Control system, Solar power plant

and Pneumatic systems for various enterprises.

Our References

  • Animal Feed Mill
  • Rice Mill
  • Animal Farm
  • Seed Plants
  • Industrial Factories

2565Perfect Companion Group Co.,Ltd.Samutprakarn-

Installation of electrical system for Liquid Central PHASE 1

2565Cargill Siam Ltd.Phetchaburi-

Installation of electrical system for Pellet mill #2 Tower A & B

2565JBF Co.,Ltd. Nakhon Pathom1500

Design and installation of electrical system for pet food plant project

2565Perfect Companion Group Co.,Ltd.Samutprakarn-

Installation of electrical system for New StolZ HammerMill Extruder #9

2565Thai Food Feed Mills Co.,Ltd.Prachinburi670

Design and installation of electrical system for Full fat soy plant

2565United Feed Mill Co.,Ltd.Saraburi330

Design and installation of electrical system for extruder system of fed mill Line 2


2564Cargill Siam Ltd.Phitsanulok-Installation and commissioning of new automation system for feed mill
2564Infeqe feed Co.,Ltd.Samutsakhon150Design and installation of electrical system for tapioca flour pneumatic  conveying  system
2564Cargill Siam Ltd.Nakhon Ratchasima-Installation and commissioning of new automation system for feed mill
2564Cargill Siam Ltd. Phetchaburi-Installation and commissioning of new automation system for feed mill
2564Betagro Public Co.,Ltd.Lop Buri500Design and installation of electrical system for pellet mill 2 system 21 TPM
2564Cargill Siam Ltd.Chachoengsao-Installation and commissioning of new automation system for feed mill
2564Betagro Public Co.,Ltd.Lop Buri500Design  and  installation of electrical system  for  hammer mill system  35 TPM
2564Thai foods feed mills Co.,Ltd. Suphan Buri1,600Design and installation of electrical system for swine feed mill plant 20 TPH
2564Thai Roong Kitkarn Co.,Ltd. Nakhon Pathom1,600

Design and installation of electrical system for swine feed mill plant 15-20 TPH

2564Cargill Siam Ltd. Nakhon Pathom 1,500

Design and installation of 1500 kVA Transformer 


2563Ubon Agricultural Energy Co., Ltd. Ubon Ratchathani500Design and installation of electrical system for tapioca flour mill
2563TSD Feed Co., Ltd. Samutsakhon400Design and installation of electrical system for Pet (fish) food 3 TPH 
2563Cargill Siam Ltd.Prachinburi-Design and installation of communication system for CCTV of feed mill plant
2563Cargill Siam Ltd. Nakhon Pathom70Design and installation of electrical, PLC & Touch screen system for fat coater of Mixer
2563Leamthong Agri-product Co.,Ltd. Nakhon Ratchasima400Design and installation of electrical system for silo extension  of feed mill plant
2563DD Inter feed Co.,Ltd. Lamphun300Design and installation of electrical system for feed mill plant 10 TPH
2563Cargill Siam Ltd. Phetchaburi-Installation and commissioning of new automation system for feed mill
2563Tor Anun Co.,Ltd. Nakhon Pathom100Design and installation of electrical system for feed mill plant 
2563Inteqc feed Co., Ltd. Samutsakhon2,500Design and installation of electrical system for silo system of feed mill plant 
2563Panus feed mill Co.,Ltd. Chonburi1,500Design and installation of electrical system for Silo 56,000 Ton (14 x 4000T)  and soya warehouse
2563Panuspokphand Co.,Ltd. Chonburi500Design and installation of electrical system for Pellet mill 2 system 
2563Bachiang feedmill *LAO1,000Design and installation of electrical system for Swine feed mill plant 10 TPH
2563Cargill Siam Ltd.Phitsanulok1,500Design and installation of 1500 kVA Transformer and main feeder system
2563Cargill Siam Ltd.Nakhon Pathom-Installation and commissioning of new automation system for feed mill


2562Perfect companion group Co.,Ltd.Myanmar3,500Design and installation of electrical system for pet food plant project
2562United feed mill Co.,Ltd.Saraburi500Design  and  Installation of electrical system  for  extruder system of feed mill 
2562United feed mill Co.,Ltd.Saraburi200Design  and  installation of electrical system  for  New Hammer mill plant
2562Panus feed mill Co.,Ltd. Chonburi1,200Design and Installation of electrical system  for  feed mill plant (extension)
2562Perfect companion group Co.,Ltd.Samutprakarn 200Design and installation of electrical system for Pellet mill #2  Phase 2
2562Panus feed mill Co.,Ltd. Chonburi800Design and installation of electrical system for full fat soya of extruder system 5 TPH 


2561JBF Co.,Ltd. Nakhon Pathom200Design and installation of electrical system for pet food plant project
2561JBF Co.,Ltd. Nakhon Pathom500Design and installation of electrical system for Pellet mill #3
2561Leamthong Agri-product Co.,Ltd. Nakhon Ratchasima4,000Design and installation of electrical system for feed mill plant 60 TPH
2561Cargill meats (Thailand) Ltd.Nakhon Ratchasima-Design and installation of electrical system for inverter 500 HP 375 kW (Pellet mill #1)
2561Cargill Siam Ltd.Prachinburi-Frabication of Repete control logix panel 


2560Farm jongjaroen Co.,Ltd.Nakhonnayok500Design and installation of electrical system for rice refinery plant
2560Perfect companion group Co.,Ltd.Samutprakarn -Design and installation of electrical system for Extruder #8
2560Panus feed mill Co.,Ltd. Chonburi3,500Design and installation of electrical system for feed mill 
2560Thai foods feed mill Co.,Ltd. Suphan Buri 500Design and installation of electrical system for Full fat plant (Extension)
2560Thai tham dee feed mill Co.,Ltd. Saraburi200Design and installation of electrical system for feed mill 
2560Intaqc feed Co.,Ltd. Samutsakorn300Design and installation of electrical system for feed mill (Bulk load out line)
2560Perfect companion group Co.,Ltd.Indonesia4,000Design and installation of electrical system for pet food plant project
2560Perfect companion group Co.,Ltd.Samutprakarn 300Design and installation of electrical system for 12 bin


2559Perfect companion group Co.,Ltd.Samutprakarn 400Design and installation of electrical system for extruder system # 4
2559JBF Co.,Ltd. Nakhon Pathom125Design and installation of electrical system for rice husk milling
2559Perfect companion group Co.,Ltd.Samutprakarn 400Design and installation of electrical system for auto packing 40 bins
2559Perfect companion group Co.,Ltd.Samutprakarn 200Design and installation of electrical system for auto packing (KSE,PLP & Liquid Mixer system)
2559Perfect companion group Co.,Ltd.Samutprakarn 500Design and installation of electrical system for Dryer #8
2559Thai foods feed mill Co.,Ltd. Suphan Buri 630Design and installation of electrical system for Pellet mill
2559JBF Co.,Ltd. Nakhon Pathom500Design and installation of electrical system for Bulk warehouse #2
2559Greatest Pet Care Co.,Ltd. Ayutthaya1,500Design and installation of electrical system, PLC & SCADA system for 5 TPH High Grade Pet Food


2558JBF Co.,Ltd. Nakhon Pathom500Design and installation of electrical system for Extruder #4 (Full fat soya)
2558JBF Co.,Ltd. Nakhon Pathom500Design and installation of electrical system for Extruder #5
2558Cargill Siam Ltd.Chachoengsao-Design and Field wiring for Repete system
2558Cargill Siam Ltd.Phitsanulok -Improvement highvoltage system
2558Thai foods feed mill Co.,Ltd. Suphan Buri 500Design and installation of electrical system for Full fat plant


2557JBF Co.,Ltd. Nakhon Pathom800Design and installation of electrical system for soybean fermentation plant
2557Cargill meats (Thailand) Ltd.Saraburi1,500Design and installation of electrical system for Mixer & feed dresser
2557Cargill meats (Thailand) Ltd.Nakhon Ratchasima2,500Design and installation of electrical system for feed mill 
2557Cargill Siam Ltd.Nakhon Ratchasima1,000Improvement highvoltage system (Hammer mill)
2557JBF Co.,Ltd. 

2565The Natural Growth Co.,Ltd.Lop buri 800

Design and installation of electrical system for New Rice Mill Facilities Project


2563Tanakorn Ruamphol 999 Co.,Ltd.Chai Nat1,250Design and installation of highvoltage system, 1250 kVA transformer, main feeder and MDB & capacitor bank


2562Tanakorn Ruamphol 999 Co.,Ltd.Chai Nat500Design and installation of electrical system for Air pump 340 HP Godown 1
2562Tanakorn Ruamphol 999 Co.,Ltd.Chai Nat2,000Design and installation of highvoltage system, 2000 kVA transformer, main feeder and MDB & capacitor bank


2561Rice Land International  Co.,Ltd. Ayutthaya1,250Design and installation of electrical system for rice refinery plant (WH #2)
2561Tanakorn Ruamphol 999 Co.,Ltd.Chai Nat-Design and installation highvoltage system and Electrical system for Godown 10,18
2561Mitt Jareon Rice Co.,Ltd.Phichit200Design and installation of electrical system for rice mill plant


2560Rice Land International  Co.,Ltd. Ayutthaya300Design and installation of electrical system for Packing plant (WH #3 Phase 2)
2560Rice Land International  Co.,Ltd. Ayutthaya500Design and installation of electrical system for rice refinery plant (WH #2)
2560Tanakorn Ruamphol 999 Co.,Ltd.Chai Nat1,500Design and installation of electrical system for rice refinery plant 
2560Lorpoonphol Rice mill Co.,Ltd.Nakhonsawan500Design and installation of electrical system for rice refinery plant (Paddy resting tank)


2559Tanasan Rice Co.,Ltd.Chai Nat300Design and installation of electrical system for rice refinery plant and Auto packing system
2559Phichit Ruamjareon 2 Rice Co.,ltd.Phichit200Design and installation of electrical system for rice refinery plant


2558Tanasan Rice Co.,Ltd.Chai Nat2,000Design and installation of electrical system for rice mill plant
2558Tanakorn Ruamphol 999 Co.,Ltd.Chai Nat1,000Design and installation of electrical system for Air pump Godown 10
2558Tanakorn Ruamphol 999 Co.,Ltd.Chai Nat500Design and installation of electrical system for Air pump 340 HP Godown 15
2558Tanakorn Ruamphol 999 Co.,Ltd.Chai Nat1,000Design and installation of electrical system for Paddy shelling Godown 4
2558Tanakorn Ruamphol 999 Co.,Ltd.Chai Nat-Design and installation highvoltage system for MDB and Capacitor bank Godown 5
2558Rice Land International  Co.,Ltd. Ayutthaya-Design and installation of electrical system for Packing plant (WH #3 Phase 1)
2558Menghong golden rice Co.,Ltd. Phichit500Design and installation of electrical system for rice mill plant


2557Rice Land International  Co., Ltd. Ayutthaya-Design and installation of electrical system for rice mill plant
2557Kaset Somboon Thanyakit Rice mill limited part.Chainat-Design and installation of electrical system for rice mill plant
2557Phichit Ruamjareon 2 Rice Co.,ltd.Phichit2,000Design and installation of electrical system for rice refinery plant
2557Tanakorn Ruamphol 999 Co.,Ltd.Chai Nat3,000Design and installation of electrical system for rice refinery plant
2557Tanasan Rice Co.,Ltd.Chai Nat-Design and installation of electrical system for rice refinery plant


2556Jongjaroen farm Limited part (Thailand) Limited. Nakhonnayok1,500Design and installation of electrical system for feed mill plant
2556Phichit Ruamjareon 2 Rice Co.,ltd.Phichit-Design and installation of electrical system for rice refinery plant
2556Tanakorn bunjongsan Rice millPhichit-Design and installation of electrical system for rice mill plant
2556Tanakorn Ruamphol 999 Co.,Ltd.Chai Nat3,000Design and installation of electrical system for rice mill plant


2555Nakornluang Rice mill Co., Ltd.Ayutthaya1,250Design and installation of electrical system for Dryer for rice mill plant
2555Rice Land International  Co., Ltd. Ayutthaya630Design and installation of electrical system for rice mill plant
2555Thanacharoenphol Rice millNakhon Ratchasima1,600Design and installation of electrical system for rice mill plant
2555Menghong Golden ricePhichit1,000Design and installation of electrical system for rice mill plant


2554C. Thunyakit  Rice milSaraburi500Design and installation of electrical system for  rice mill plant
2554Jaroen Thanya Sub rice millNonthaburi800Design and installation of electrical system  for rice mill plant
2554Tanakorn bunjongsan Rice millPhichit1,500Design and installation of electrical system for rice mill plant
2554Nakornluang Rice mill Co., Ltd.Ayutthaya1,250Design and installation of electrical system for rice mill plant
2554Nakornluang Rice mill Co., Ltd.Ayutthaya 1,250Design and installation of electrical system for rice mill plant
2554Lorpoonphol Rice mill Co., Ltd.Nakhonsawan1,000installation of electrical system and Lightning system for rice refinery plant
2554Kasetpaiboon  Rice millChai Nat2,250Design and installation of electrical system for rice mill plant
2554Thanacharoenphol Rice millNakhon Ratchasima1,600Design and installation of electrical system for rice mill plant
2554Ultimate rice  Co., Ltd.Chainat2,250Design and installation of electrical system for rice mill plant


2553Choke santi Rice mill Co., Ltd.Phitsanulok-Design and installation of electrical system for rice  plant
2553Nakornluang Rice mill Co., Ltd.Ayutthaya1,250Design and installation of electrical system for rice mill plant
2553Nakornluang Rice mill Co., Ltd.Ayutthaya1,250Design and installation of electrical system for rice mill plant
2553Tanakorn bunjongsan Rice millPhichit1,500Design and installation of electrical system for rice mill plant
2553C. Thunyakit  Rice milSaraburi500Design and installation of electrical system for Dryer for rice mill plant
2553Jaroen Thanya Sub rice millNonthaburi800Design  and  installation of electrical system  for rice mill plant
2553Kijrungruangchainat Co., Ltd.Chainat1,000Design and installation of electrical system for rice mill plant
2553Kaset Somboon Thanyakit Rice mill limited part.Chainat1,000Design and installation of electrical system for rice mill plant
2553Kasetpaiboon  Rice millChai Nat2,250Design and installation of electrical system for rice mill plant
2553Lorpoonphol Rice mill Co., Ltd.Nakhonsawan1,000Design and installation of electrical system for rice refinery plant


2552Nakornluang Rice mill Co., Ltd.Ayutthaya1,250Design and installation of electrical system for rice mill plant
2552Nakornluang Rice mill Co., Ltd.Ayutthaya800Design and installation of electrical system for rice mill plant
2552Thanacharoenphol Rice millNakhon Ratchasima1,600Design and installation of electrical system for rice mill plant
2552Kijrungruangchainat Co., Ltd.Chainat1,000Design and installation of electrical system for rice mill plant
2552Lorpoonphol Rice mill Co., Ltd.Nakhonsawan1,000Design and installation of electrical system for rice refinery plant


2551Lorpoonphol  Rice mill Co., Ltd.Nakhonsawan800Design and installation of electrical system for rice refinery plant


2550Thanacharoenphol Rice milNakhon Ratchasima600Design and installation of electrical system for rice mill plant


2548Pongsawat Rice mill Saraburi500Design and installation of electrical system for rice mill plant
2548Suwannabhumi Commercial RiceSamut Prakan500Design and installation of electrical system for rice refinery  plant
2548Thai Hua (2511) Co., Ltd.Samut Prakan-Improvement  electrical system  for Silo & Rice refinery  plant
2548Thepmongkol Rice mill Co., Ltd.Suphan Buri500Design and installation of electrical system for refinery plant
2548Sawaengphanich  Rice millNakhonsawan800Design and installation of electrical system for rice mill plant
2548Udomsuk  Rice mill Co., Ltd.Bangkok500Design and installation of electrical system for rice mill plant
2548Buathong Rice millNakhonsawan500Design  and  installation of electrical system  for rice mill plant

2565Cargill meats (Thailand) Limited.Nakhon Ratchasima -Design and installation electrical system for  new compressor


2564Cargill meats (Thailand) Limited.Lop buri 400Electrical system for refurbishment of  Breeder farm 1 
2564Cargill meats (Thailand) Limited.Lop buri -Improvement of sub feeder system for  Broiler farm 3
2564Cargill meats (Thailand) Limited.Lop buri -Improvement of sub feeder system for  Broiler farm 7
2564Cargill meats (Thailand) Limited.Lop buri -Improvement of sub feeder system for Broiler farm 9
2564Cargill meats (Thailand) Limited.Lop buri -Improvement of lighting system  for Breeder farm 3
2564Cargill meats (Thailand) Limited.Nakhon Ratchasima-Improvement of the electrical protection (arc flash) system
2564Cargill meats (Thailand) Limited.Lop buri -Improvement of sub feeder system for Hatchery
2564Cargill Siam Limited.Saraburi-Design and installation electrical system for  experimental house Broiler farm  17


2563Cargill meats (Thailand) Limited.Buri Ram-Improvement of lighting system  for Breeder farm 5
2563Cargill meats (Thailand) Limited.Phetchabun-Improvement of sub feeder system for  Breeder farm 13
2563Cargill meats (Thailand) Limited.Buri Ram-Improvement of lighting system  for Breeder farm 7


2562Cargill meats (Thailand) Limited.Phetchabun500Design and installation electrical system for  Breeder farm  16


2561Cargill meats (Thailand) Limited.Lop buri -Design and installation electrical system for  MDB1 (FP1 line 4,5 plant)


2560Cargill meats (Thailand) Limited.Phetchabun630Design and installation electrical system for  Breeder farm  15


2559Cargill meats (Thailand) Limited.Phetchabun630Design and installation electrical system for  Breeder farm  13
2559Cargill meats (Thailand) Limited.Phetchabun630Design and installation electrical system for  Breeder farm  14


2556Cargill meats (Thailand) Limited.Nakhon Ratchasima1,000Design and installation electrical for Breeder farm  11, 12


2555Cargill meates (Thailand) Limited.Nakhon Ratchasima1,000Design and installation electrical for Breeder farm  9, 10
2555Cargill meates (Thailand) Limited.Nakhon Ratchasima800Design and installation electrical for Pullet farm  8, 9


2554Cargill Siam Limited.*China1,250Design electrical system  for  farm  plant


2553Nateepokaphand Co., Ltd. Chon buri 1,500Design and installation electrical system  


2552Cargill meates (Thailand) Limited.Lop buri 2,000Design and installation electrical system

2565PT Syngenta Seed IndonesiaIndonesia3000Design and installation of electrical system for Dryer expansion Plant
2565ICP International Co., Ltd.Ayutthaya-Design and installation of electrical system for the improvement of the raw material storage building


2564Corteva AgriscienceLamphun-Design and installation of electrical system for CMS Blending facility


2563Yara Thailand Co., Ltd. Ayutthaya80Design and installation of electrical system for packing system of fertilizer plant


2559Pioneer Hi-Bred (Thailand) Co., Ltd.Lamphun300Design and installation of electrical system for seed plant
2559East-West Seed Co.,Ltd.Suphanburi500Design and installation of electrical system for additional dryer process


2557ICP International Co., Ltd.Ayutthaya2,250Design and installation of electrical system for AMS Compaction Plant
2557PT. DuPont IndonesiaIndonesia-Design and installation of electrical system for Dryer process Plant
2557Corn Ucopia Co.,Ltd.Khonkean-Design and installation of electrical system for cornucopia seed plant addition
2557Seed Asia (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Nakhon sawan-Design and installation of electrical system for new seed corn production facility (Phase3)


2556Pioneer Hi-Bred (Thailand) Co., Ltd.Lamphun2,250Design and installation of electrical system for seed plant ( Phase #2)


2555Seed Asia (Thailand) Co., Ltd.Nakhon sawan2,000Design and installation of electrical system for corn seed processing plant


2554East-West Seed Co.,Ltd.Suphanburi500Design and installation of electrical system for seed plant


2553Pioneer Hi-Bred (Thailand) Co., Ltd.Lamphun2,250Design and installation of electrical system for seed plant


2552Pioneer Hi-Bred (Thailand) Co., Ltd.Lamphun2,250Design and installation of electrical system for seed plant
2552Monsanto Thailand  Co., Ltd.Phitsanulok500Design  and  installation of electrical system  for seed processing plant


2551Monsanto Thailand  Co., Ltd.Phitsanulok500Design  and  installation of electrical system  for seed research station
2551Seed Asia (Thailand) Co., Ltd.Nakhon sawan250Design and installation of electrical system for corn seed processing plant


2540Monsanto Thailand  Co., Ltd.Phitsanulok1,000Design  and  installation of electrical system  for  corn seed processing plant
2540Government Agricultural SectionSaraburi, Nonthaburi,
Chai Nat, Sukhothai, Chiang Mai
-Design  and  installation of electrical system  for seed processing plant
2540Monsanto Thailand  Co., Ltd.Phitsanulok250Design  and  installation of electrical system  for seed processing plant
2540Monsanto Thailand  Co., Ltd.Phitsanulok500Design  and  installation of electrical system  for seed processing plant


2537Government Agricultural SectionKamphaeng Phet ,Nakhon Sawan
,Suphan Buri ,Chainat ,
Ayutthaya ,Nonthaburi  ,Sukhothai
-Design  and  installation of electrical system  for seed plant


2534Monsanto Thailand  Co., Ltd.Pakchong Nakornratchasrima 1,000Design  and  installation of electrical system  for  corn seed processing plant


2533East sea Co., Ltd.Tha Ruea Ayutthaya-Design  and  installation of electrical system  for corn dryer for seed plant
2533Songkhla Num sawatt Co., Ltd.Tha Rua Ayutthaya-Design  and  installation of electrical system  for corn dryer for seed plant

2565Huay Nam Sap Temple (Wat Phra That Wayo)Chachoengsao400Design and installation of 400 kVA Transformer 


2562Tanakorn Rice Co.,Ltd.Chai Nat-Design and installation of Main Distribution Board (MDB) for solar power plant
2562Tanakorn Rice Co.,Ltd.Chai Nat-Design and installation of highvoltage system for solar power plant


2560Thai Marine Protection Co.,Ltd.Nakhon pathom500Design and installation of electrical system for Factory building Office and Residential building


2557Thai NOK Co., Ltd.Chonburi-installation of electrical system for machines (Batch #1)
2557Srup Sri Thai Ltd.Samutprakarn-Installation of electrical system for lighting and Fire alarm system


2556MC Group Co., Ltd.Bangkok-installation of electrical system for lighting and machines


2553United metal works Co., Ltd.Samutprakarn630installation of electrical system for machines (Fertilizer plant)


2552Eureka Design Co., Ltd.Patumtani1,000Design and installation of electrical system for lighting and machines (Automobile parts)


2550Thai NOK Co., Ltd.Chonburi-installation of electrical system for machines (Casting plant)


2549Thai NOK Co., Ltd.Chonburi-installation of electrical system for machines (Automobile parts)


2544EGAT Lignite Cross Conveyor System **LampangDesign and supply materials for Electrical system (Power plant)
2544Varin  food Co.,Ltd.Samutprakarn400Design and installation of electrical system for lighting and machines (Food’s machines)
2544Seal Precision Co.,Ltd.Samutprakarn1,000Design and installation of electrical system for lighting and machines (Food’s machines)


2543Nawasorn BuildingBangkok2,000Design and installation of electrical system for lighting and machines (Tape, CD, Video)


2541B & C Pulaski  Co., Ltd.Lopburi800Design and installation of electrical system for lighting and machines (Croncrob plant)
2541Sure Electrical   and Electronic  Co., Ltd.Bangkok500Design and installation of electrical system for lighting and machines (Mini factory)


2540Pertech Co., Ltd.Nakhon pathom500Design and installation of electrical system for lighting and machine (Machines Assembly)
2540B.K. Latex Product  Co., Ltd.Samutsakorn500Design and installation of electrical system for lighting and machine (Rubber products)
2540Cargill fertilizer Co., Ltd.Chonburi630Design and installation of electrical system for lighting and machines (Fertilizer plant)
2540Onpa International Co., Ltd. (Public)Bangkok500Design and installation of electrical system for lighting and machines (Office building)


2539Onpa International Co., Ltd. (Public)Rayong3,000Design and installation of electrical system for lighting and machine (Tape, CD, Video products)
2539PIONEERAngthong250Design and installation of electrical system for lighting and machines (Sand plant)
2539T.P.I.Kanchanaburi250Design and installation of electrical system for lighting and machines (Sand plant)
2539CPAC Angthong250Design and installation of electrical system for lighting and machines (Sand plant)
2539Lavinil Co., Ltd.Chonburi250Design and installation of electrical system for lighting  and  machine (Plastic products)
2539Thai Summit  Hi-tech Plastic   Co., Ltd.Ayutthaya1,500Design and installation of electrical system for lighting and machine (Plastic products)
2539Num Heng  Co., Ltd.Saraburi250Design and installation of electrical system for sand plant (Sand plant)
2539Pong Thewin  Co., Ltd.Saraburi2,000Design and installation of electrical system for lighting and machines (Crushing plant)


2538Thai Industrial packing product Co., Ltd.Samutsakorn1,000Design and installation of electrical system for lighting  and  machine
2538Top Great Enterprise Co., Ltd.Chachoeng sao500Design and installation of electrical system for lighting  and  machine (Plastic products)
2538CPACChonburi250Design and installation of electrical system for sand plant


2537Sura Krating DaengSamutsakorn-Design and installation of electrical system for maintenance, chiller room
2537Sura Saengsom Co.,Ltd.Nakonpathom-Design and installation of electrical system
2537T.C.C. Co., Ltd.Kanchanaburi-Design and installation of electrical system for lighting and machine
2537W.Y. Co., Ltd.Prathumthani500Design and installation of electrical system for Can drinks products factory


2536Rein thong  plastic Co., Ltd.Samutsakorn1,000Design and installation of electrical system for lighting  and  machine (Plastic product)
2536Zenic Interproduct Co., Ltd.Samutprakarn800Design and installation of electrical system for lighting  and  machine  (Footware product)
2536AW Thai Warehouse Co., Ltd.*Chonburi1,000Design and installation of electrical system for conveyor system and warehouse
2536Siam Seaport Terminal and warehouse  Co., Ltd. Chonburi700Design and installation of electrical system for conveyor system and  warehouse
2536T.R.P. furniture Co., Ltd.Pathumthani2,000Design and installation of electrical system for lighting  and  machine (Furniture product)


2535Farm Automation Co., Ltd.Samutprakarn400Design and installation of electrical system for machine (Farm facility)
2535Onpa International Co., Ltd. (Public)Bangkok3,000Design and installation of electrical system for lighting  and  machine (Tape, CD, Video)
2535Extrude and Paging Co., Ltd.Nakhon pratom100Design and installation of electrical system for lighting  and  machine (Plastic Products)


2533Bangkok  flour  mill  Co., Ltd. Samutprakarn2,250Design  and  installation of electrical system  for  machine ( Flour mill )